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  • 字級設定:


How to look up the historical statistical data related to New Taipei City?

There are 4 ways to access the historical statistical data related to New Taipei City:
  1. Please go to website of Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, New Taipei City Government (http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw), under the path: Homepage/Business Information/Statistics/Statistical Database. The database can also be checked by various mobile devices through tablet and mobile phones, and it provides the functions of graphic drawing, file conversion and downloading for easy and instant access.
  2. Please go to the website of Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, New Taipei City Government (http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw), under the path: Homepage/Business Information/Statistics, to look up various Statistical Information .
  3. Please go to the website of New Taipei City Government (https://www.ntpc.gov.tw), under the path: Homepage/Municipal Information/Statistics Information, to look up various Statistical Information.
  4. Please dial the New Taipei City phone line 1999 (cross county calls should dial 02-29603456 ext. 7488~7500) to talk to our dedicated staff.
  • 瀏覽人次:732 人
  • 更新日期:2024-02-19