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What is New Taipei City's preparation procedure for the Subordinate Agency Financial Statement and Consolidated Tables of General Budget?
General Financial Statement

  1. With references to “Manual for Preparing County (City) Government Subordinate Agency Financial Statement” published by Directorate General Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, “Manual for Preparing New Taipei City Government Subordinate Agency Financial Statement” was issued and distributed to the institutions relevant to our government.
  2. Review subordinate agency financial statement submitted by various special funds (2-3 months after the financial year.) 
  3. Compile the auditing results, with a general description, of each subordinate agency financial statement into New Taipei City Subordinate Agency Financial Statement and Consolidated Tables of General Budget to be submitted to the municipal council (within 4 months after the financial year.) 
  4. After being approved at the municipal council, New Taipei City Subordinate Agency Financial Statement and Consolidated Tables of General Budget  is submitted to National Audit Office, New Taipei City Audit Office for approval (within 4 months after the financial year.) 
  5. Based on the auditing report (including the final budget consolidated table) issued by National Audit Office, New Taipei City Audit Office, the Subordinate Agency Financial Statement and Consolidated Tables of General Budget can be published after be reviewed by New Taipei City Council. 
  • 瀏覽人次:835 人
  • 更新日期:2024-02-19